Rana Farhan – Masteh eshgh
God rest you merry, Innocents,
Let nothing you dismay,
Let nothing wound an eager heart
Upon this Christmas day.
Yours be the genial holly wreaths,
The stockings and the tree;
An aged world to you bequeaths
Its own forgotten glee.
Soon, soon enough come crueler gifts,
The anger and the tears;
Between you now there sparsely drifts
A handful yet of years.
Oh, dimly, dimly glows the star
Through the electric throng;
The bidding in temple and bazaar
Drowns out the silver song.
The ancient altars smoke afresh,
The ancient idols stir;
Faint in the reek of burning flesh
Sink frankincense and myrrh.
Gaspar, Balthazar, Melchior!
Where are your offerings now?
What greetings to the Prince of War,
His darkly branded brow?
Two ultimate laws alone we know,
The ledger and the sword --
So far away, so long ago,
We lost the infant Lord.
Only the children clasp His hand;
His voice speaks low to them,
And still for them the shining band
Wings over Bethlehem.
God rest you merry, Innocents,
While innocence endures,
A sweeter Christmas than we to ours
May you bequeath to yours.
by Ogden Nash
From Adonais
Why linger, why turn back, why shrink, my Heart?
Thy hopes are gone before: from all things here
They have departed; thou shouldst now depart!
That Light whose smile kindles the Universe,
That Beauty in which all things work and move,
That Benediction which the eclipsing Curse
Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love
Which through the web of being blindly wove
By man and beast and earth and air and sea,
Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of
The fire for which all thirst, now beams on me,
Consuming the last clouds of cold mortality.
-- Percy Bysshe Shelley -- (1803-1822)
F.C. Gundlach. Das fotografische Werk
20. November 2009 bis 14. März 2010
© David Lynch Foto: Patrick Gries, © David Lynch | Raum Bilder Klang 22.11.2009 - 21.03.2010 David Lynch presnting his art works for the first time in Max Ernst Museum in Germany should be a treat. Lynch’s movies have always emotionally involved me -- willingly or hesitantly. What actually is very interesting is that the show runs through march 21st (shabe eid), and so not completely out of reach for people who do not live near Brühl. The show includes a large variety of Lynch’s non-cinematic works including his collaborations, such as Extreme Fetish Footwear with Christian Loubotin. Foto: Patrick Gries, © David Lynch |